Charater Trait of the Month


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Open House 2008

Telesis will open their doors and roll out the welcome carpet to parents and community members at the annual Open House on September 16th. One special hour, 6:30-7:30, will provide those in attendance to visit classrooms and meet teachers. Additional information will also be available such as the tax credit program which is separate from other schools in the community. Mohave Community College will be on hand to answer questions about educational opportunities as graduation comes closer. Last, but not least, the new Telesis Preparatory pins will be available for purchase for only $3 so everyone can showoff their school spirit. Parents of Telesis students will be asked to sign up for a conference appointment for the following week, September 23 through 25, on a first come first served basis. Coming to Open House will provide parents with the opportunity to sign up for the parent-teacher conference day and time of your choice.

Mark your calendars now so you can join us at Telesis for the 2008 Open House and all that goes with it. Feel free to bring not only family and friends, but interested members of the community as well. We are proud of our school and it shows! Open House is a special time to share this pride!